Set of 20 zombie wounds tokens

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Set of 20 zombie wounds tokens

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Set of 20 acrylic zombie wounds tokens. Designed to mark wounds in your zombie crossroads boardgames. Three different designs to indicate three types of damage:

– regular wound shaped like a translucent red blood drop;

– frostbite  shaped like a translucent blue snowflake;

– damage by despair shaped like a shiny black skull.

They are perfect for games like Dead of Winter: The Long Night.

The set contains 20 tokens:

– 10 tokens of regular wound, in red.
– 5 tokens of frostbite, in blue.
– 5 tokens of despair, in black.

SIZE: Each token measures approximately 12 x 18 mm.

Made of high quality methacrylate 3 mm thick.


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